Psychiatric symptoms associated with internet addiction among Suez Canal University students



Until now, there are debates on existence and classification of internet addiction and if it is an independent mental disorder or a symptom of other mental disorders. Therefore, in the current study, we tried to assess the association of psychiatric symptoms with internet addiction among Suez Canal University students to enhance understanding of psychiatric symptoms as risk factors for internet addiction. Thus, preventive and treatment measures could be taken.
Patients and methods
One-hundred students were assessed in a cross-sectional case–control study using clinical interview and internet-addiction test for internet addiction and Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview Scale for psychiatric symptoms.
Our results revealed that depression, social phobia, obsessions, obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD), bulimia nervosa, and psychosis are significantly associated with internet addiction. However, logistic-regression analysis revealed that depression, social phobia, obsessions, and OCD are the only predictors of internet addiction with the presence of obsessions as the most powerful predictor.
Students who have obsessions, OCD, social phobia, and depression could be more vulnerable to internet addiction. Thus, treatment and preventive approaches targeting those symptoms or disorders are important for clinicians to know because they could be helpful in reduction of the big problem of internet addiction.
