Background Migration is associated with stress that may result in adverse physical and psychological health problems. It involves three phases. Each stage has its own risks, challenges, and difficulties. Mansoura University has a large number of foreign students from different nationalities who come to study in various scientific fields. Aim The aim of this study was to assess the presence of a group of various psychiatric disorders and psychosocial problems among a sample of immigrant students in Mansoura University and to compare them with a control group of Egyptian students. Moreover, this study aimed to identify factors related to migration (premigration, migration and postmigration stages) that may affect mental health of immigrant students. Participants and methods In this study, data were collected from 135 college students who completed the Adolescent Psychopathology Scale − applicable up to 19 years old − which evaluates the presence and severity of symptoms of psychological disorders and distress: the English version for immigrant students and the Arabic version for the Egyptian students. Moreover, an additional paper was added to the sheet introduced to the immigrant students to obtain data about their migration process. Results In our study, nonrefugee immigrants (education is the purpose of migration) had a lower risk of having psychiatric disorders or psychosocial problems than the compared group (the Egyptian students). Conclusion Nonrefugee immigrants are likely to differ from other immigrants on the basis of educational and economic status, linguistic capacity, migration experiences, being in groups and exposure to adversity and trauma through premigration, migration, and postmigration stages, which undoubtedly play a protective role for them against psychiatric and psychosocial problems.
Sabri, Y., & Borham, M. (2021). Psychiatric disorders and psychosocial problems among immigrant students. Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry, 42(1), -. doi: 10.4103/ejpsy.ejpsy_31_18
Youmna Sabri; Maha Borham. "Psychiatric disorders and psychosocial problems among immigrant students", Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry, 42, 1, 2021, -. doi: 10.4103/ejpsy.ejpsy_31_18
Sabri, Y., Borham, M. (2021). 'Psychiatric disorders and psychosocial problems among immigrant students', Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry, 42(1), pp. -. doi: 10.4103/ejpsy.ejpsy_31_18
Sabri, Y., Borham, M. Psychiatric disorders and psychosocial problems among immigrant students. Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry, 2021; 42(1): -. doi: 10.4103/ejpsy.ejpsy_31_18