Quality of life of epileptic children in Minia Governorate: a cross-sectional study



Quality of life of childhood epilepsy (QOLCE) is the main outcome that is increasingly being recognized as an essential element in the assessment of the epilepsy effects on life function and also treatment of epilepsy. This study aimed to assess the QOL among the epileptic children.
Patients and Methods
A cross sectional study design was carried out on 100 children. The study has been held in the Neurology and Psychiatry outpatient clinic of Minia university hospital; In addition to Minia Psychiatry hospital, the official psychiatry hospital in Minia governorate. The total sample included 100 children. Fifty epileptic children aged between 4–18 yrs and 50 apparently healthy children with no chronic illness, of matched age, sex, and social class were included as the control group.
There was no significant difference between the two groups regarding sociodemographics, except for birth order and number of sibling, as well as for positive family history of epilepsy. Regarding the electroencephalography changes, there was a significant difference between the two groups. There was a statistically significant difference between the two groups regarding the low QOLCE score. Polytherapy had low score on QOLCE, especially in emotional, social, physical, and total score.
Childhood epilepsy affects the QOL of the epileptic children, especially cognitive, social, emotional, and physical functions. Polytherapy was associated with more impairment of QOL. On the contrary, epileptic patients who were compliant to treatment had good QOL.
